So as most RVA blog readers probably already know Martin Bromirski, captain of the good ship
Anaba is no longer living in Richmond. It's Richmond's loss but forget all the regret- Martin needs to be thanked for all the good he's done writing about RVA's art happenings (I am resisting writing "scene" as it causes me to conjure up countless hardcore shows I went to in 1987 at the Hung Jury Pub in DC) but a scene I guess it is and Martin, despite what a lot of people perceived as piss and vinegar, did some major galvanizing.
As Martin is not dead and despite my tendency to eulogize at any given moment, I'll stop. Martin has a great list of his favorite RVA posts, and heroes
here. He also has a great selection of his paintings up right now too. I regret not trading with him (although it would be better to just pay for something) before he left- I really like his paintings.

George and I went to visit Martin at his apt/studio last year and yes, he was wearing a muscle shirt. This prompts the question- what do bloggers talk about when they're together? The answer is they talk about posts they've already written that all in the room have already read while they think about how the present conversation may possibly affect future posts.
After these pictures were taken Martin and George arm wrestled to see who was the tougher blogger. I have sworn to never tell who won.
This is George right before the match...
1 comment:
OH!!! i wondered about those photos and then i forgot about them!
i made a (or rather, another) mistake. i already miss my nice big warm apartment. we just got two feet of snow up here, and it is always ten degrees or less. i don't know what i'm doing at all (actually i'm NOT doing anything), i just wanted to stop waiting tables, and with the raft shop closing, and other stuff, i was depressed.
maybe i will come back and start kayaking? i don't know... but i spent like $600 buck getting all my shit up here and putting it into a storage locker, and if i do come back it will be with a bag of clothes and a sleeping bag only... by bus.
i will need your sofa.
michael THANKS!
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