It seems criminal to go on at length about how much I miss Annabelle on this, the second anniversary of her death. So instead I'm posting a number of pictures I took of her while we were living in my Honda station wagon, spending nights in Wal-Mart parking lots, existing on brown rice, seaweed, and beans, and visiting friends who were (and still are) scattered throughout the country. For the most part I eschewed taking photographs during the entire year (1998) we were mobile, and instead spent my time walking, reading, writing, and drawing. I worked only when it was absolutely necessary. By and large, the photos I did take were for the sake of my sister whom, despite being five years older than me, at that time had travelled very little.
Despite not taking many pictures, I did end up getting a big kick out of having Bells pose in front of touristy spots while I (with my beard so long and bushy it got me accused and nearly arrested for looking like a terrorist in New Orleans) would ask her to stay, while I backed away from her, sometimes crossing a street, to take the picture. When Annabelle was alive I was always so conscious of all the pictures I took of her and made an effort to not take too many. But now, looking back on those times I wonder why she isn't in all of them.

Sun Recording Studio, Memphis, Tennessee

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Ventura, California

Ventura, California

Beaver, Utah
What an excellent post. I love all the pics, and I'm so jealous of your trip. I miss having that kind of freedom.
Beautiful. And perfect.
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