Anonymous III opens tomorrow night at
Flashpoint Gallery at 916 G Street NW, Washington DC, 20001. As mentioned in the previous post, there were 10 curators who each chose 9 artists to be involved in the show. Go
here for a list of artist/curators and wonder why
Martin Bromirski isn't on this list. My curator (benefactor?) was
Travis Fullerton... (it's good to have friends in high places) and now that he's a full-timer at the VMFA I imagine I'll be getting a call from
John Ravenal any day now.

Here's the piece I submitted. It's an excerpt from mine and Brad's project
SAMETIME -- it's sexy and I paid a shit-ton to have it framed because I think the project (and
Brad) is/are amazing and that the work deserves it. I work a gruelling 40+ hours per week and there have to be many good things that come out of that. The piece is wheat pasted thermal prints on paper and represents three days of the project. On the back of the piece is a key that includes the dates, captions, and author of each image. Like on the website, Brad's images are on the left and mine are on the right.
It's an interesting mix of artists and I'm disappointed that I'll miss the opening but I have my reasons... here's the main one:

I'm in another
WPA/C organized show this month called SiteProjects DC. I'm installing a 25 foot, 200 image, wheat-pasted piece called
For the Lack of Words on a building at 14th and T street in NW DC. It should be good. I'm headed to DC in the middle of next week to install my work and will stay there until Saturday. There's an opening for the installation at the Black Cat from 7-9 and
Welmoed Laanstra, the curator, is giving a walking tour of the installation from 8-9. Here's a picture of the site, pre-Michael:

I'll be sure to post a post-Michael picture.
Welmoed Laanstra, is an independent DC based curator who was responsible for bringing Yoko Ono to DC for her
Imagine Peace project a couple of months ago. I did a reactionary piece called Imagine Piece. Maybe I'll post it when I have the time. Working with Welmoed has been good- she's down to earth, generous, and practical.
Here's the other reason I'm not going to the opening:

Not to be too macabre, but I have a serious fear of being killed in a car accident and have been drving on I-95 too often these days. I know I'm not the only one, but I'm continually imagining my death when I'm on the highway. There's only so much I can take.
there was no mention of a car accident in your obituary. I thought it was caused by A Crisis of the Real...
hey michael, thanks! anyways, i don't live in the area anymore... so it is a moot point.
tjf - that is a good one...
I am glad to know there are others like me out there -- I used to not have such a fear of driving on the interstate, but having had to drive I40 between Chapel Hill and Raleigh, NC three days a week for a few months last year instilled an almost irrational fear of driving on it (three near misses for me in the span of one month!). I'm becoming adept at finding the back roads to get around it.
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