
We went to Portland so Kim could attend a Cultural Studies conference. It began Thursday morning so I rode the street car south with her from the hostel (it's free within a certain area of the city) to the University Center where she did her attending. Overall, K liked the conference and is going to apply to a number of programs for the next academic year (note to those thinking about grad school- what K did is brilliant- if you need me to spell it out: she attended a conference BEFORE taking out $40K+ in loans for school to see whether she's really interested in the field before she took the plunge.) I spent the day hanging out (something I'm not particularly good at) but did start my day by walking up the big hill that overlooks the city where I eyed the aerial tram and checked out the hospital (yup.) I did a lot of other things as well but Kim isn't pictured in front of any of it so it must not count.

After K was finished attending the conference for the day, we met at Madison Street and walked over the Hawthorne Bridge (as you can see it was a beautiful day) and to the Hawthorne district. I don't think K meant to close her eyes.

The Hawthorne district is a shopping district (what else do you call it?) There is a great neighborhood on the way there called
Ladd's Addition. And a restaurant (called Rick's?) that has tennis balls fiited onto the bottoms of all the chair legs (like an old pperson's walker) so the chairs don't make a sound when they are scooted across the floor (that's my reason.) This is a mural that was on the side of a bookstore (I think?)
Tomorrow: Judy!
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